About the Group

About the Group


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A versalist group, composed of more than 30 companies and brands that operate in various sectors such as Digital Marketing, Health, Education, Cosmetics, Civil Construction, Business Management, among others.

Versalist companies, unlike organizations specialized in one product or segment, go beyond the classical strategies of diversification, they provoke disruptive movements, innovating the way of acting in the market. Currently, Grupo Ideal Trends leads the Brazilian market in the versalist company concept.

The Group Ideal Trends was founded in 1995, when the founder and current President, José Paulo, built a multimillionaire group. Considered one of the most promising conglomerates of companies in Brazil and expanding rapidly abroad, José Paulo has implemented management principles that are experienced in practice by each employee.

Group Ideal Trends is formed by companies that lead their markets and change the lives of thousands of people every day. Based on a culture of results, our goal is to be present in 100 countries in 10 years.

Here, in Group Ideal Trends, the principle of dreaming big is what moves us towards innovation and excellence, building loyalty among employees, customers, business partners and transforming lives.



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